
Showing posts from May, 2021

Increasing SMU’s Physiotherapy Capacity

The SMU Director in an Oline Learning Session Physiotherapy is one of the most important aspects of Stars Ministry Uganda (SMU) services to children with disabilities, whom we call Stars at SMU.  The situation of Stars, who are mostly immobile, is made worse by limited care by caregivers who are either away looking for their families’ livelihoods, or without knowledge on how to offer Physiotherapy to their immobile children. Physiotherapy became even more instrumental during the COVID-19 season, where movements have been limited. This need was heightened by the fact that the places where these services could be attained remain closed due to the COVID-19 lockdown. “We don’t want our children to retrogress from the progress we had made with them before the lockdown”, reported the SMU Director, Mrs. Sylvia Kalyebara. To increase SMU’s capacity to serve the Stars better, our physiotherapist, SMU Director and a few parents of Stars have been undertaking some online training in physiotherapy