
Showing posts from August, 2018

Meet Jordan, one of our founding stars!

Jordan and Tamara, at Stars Daycare & Learning Center One of the twenty-six stars (persons with disabilities) that come to the Stars Day Care and Learning Center each day of the week is Jordan Sirira. Jordan is 18 years old, with a look of a twelve-year-old. Jordan lives with his Auntie, who has been taking care of him since the passing of his mother. Jordan has been in a wheelchair since he was 8 years old. The first time I met Jordan, I saw a young boy like any other. He was very handsome, brilliant, with a cute smile and a calm spirit. As I learned about his disability, I discovered that his Auntie had two theories about his disability. One of the theories was that Jordan had fallen off a swing and broken his spinal code when he was eight. The second theory was based on a belief that Jordan’s mother had been cursed by her relatives because Jordan's father did not pay the bride price for their daughter before giving birth to Jordan. For some time I believed that